Tethering the Hovercraft

A careen through grassroots innovation, speculative design, supply chains and sexual healthcare provision, lashing down over-caffeinated flailing into the grit of socio-technical systems.

Georgina Voss

Georgina Voss is a writer and researcher working on the interplay of technology, politics and culture. She sometimes writes for The Guardian, and she’s currently in residence at the lovely Lighthouse Arts right here in Brighton working on a design fiction project that asks “what could digital fabrication and hyper-local manufacturing offer to the provision of sexual healthcare?”

She also holds a doctorate from Sussex Uni, so that’s Doctor Georgina Voss to you.

George has a knack for exposing the networks underlying the most normal-seeming activities. Usually “logistics” isn’t a word that conjures up much excitement, but George can make you look at shipping containers in a whole new light.

Oh, and she also hosts a great podcast called Gin and Innovation which has featured dConstruct alumni Dan Williams and James Bridle.

George has spoken at many events, such as the Science Communication conference and Improving Reality. Check out her talk at the Cognitive Cities conference, and then have a read of her paper on the mutual influence of Science Fiction and innovation.

  1. Registration
  2. Warren Ellis
  3. Georgina Voss
  4. Break
  5. Clare Reddington
  6. Aaron Straup Cope
  7. Lunch
  8. Brian Suda
  9. Mandy Brown
  10. Anab Jain
  11. Break
  12. Tom Scott
  13. Cory Doctorow
  14. After-party